5 reasons why you should wait until Spring to start your New Year’s resolutions
Discover the benefits of waiting until spring to set and achieve your health goals

Discover the benefits of waiting until spring to set and achieve your health goals
As a health trainer, Jillian Michaels knows firsthand how difficult it can be to motivate her clients to succeed on their New Year’s resolutions. She has seen firsthand how easy it is for people to get overwhelmed by the pressure to make big changes all at once, and how easy it is for those changes to fall by the wayside as the year goes on.
For years, Jillian has tried everything she could think of to help her clients stick to their goals. She has encouraged them to set small, achievable targets, to track their progress, and to enlist the support of friends and family. But despite her best efforts, she has seen too many of her clients fall short of their goals.
Then, one year, Jillian had a breakthrough. She decided to try something different with her clients. Instead of starting their resolutions at the beginning of the year, she encouraged them to wait until spring.
To her surprise, this small change made a big difference. Her clients found that they were more motivated by the springtime weather and the feeling of renewal that came with it. They were also more likely to stick to their routines, thanks to the longer days and better weather.
As a result, Jillian’s clients were able to make more progress than they ever had before. They were able to set and achieve realistic goals, and they were able to do so in a way that was sustainable and enjoyable.
If the disheartenment of setting goals, only to find that you can’t seem to stick to them sounds familiar, you may want to consider waiting until spring to start your health journey. Here are a few reasons why:
- Spring is a time of new beginnings and natural renewal, which can provide added motivation and inspiration for starting new habits and goals. This can be especially helpful when it comes to making healthy lifestyle changes.
- The longer days and better weather of spring may make it easier to stick to a new routine or exercise regimen. Who doesn’t love a little sunshine and fresh air to help boost their motivation?
- Many people find that they are more productive in the spring after the winter holiday season has ended and they have had a chance to rest and recharge. This can be a great time to focus on your health goals and make progress.
- Starting a new resolution at the beginning of a new season can help to break it up into more manageable chunks and make progress feel more achievable. Instead of trying to overhaul your entire life at once, you can focus on one season at a time and take things one step at a time.
- Waiting until spring can give you time to properly plan and prepare for your resolution, setting yourself up for greater success. Take the time to research healthy habits and routines that work for you, and set yourself up with the tools and resources you need to succeed.
By following these tips, you can set yourself up for success and achieve your health goals. “I’m a big believer in starting small and working up, and the spring is the perfect time to do it. The key is to start where you are and build from there.”
Jillian has since made it a point to encourage all of her clients to wait until spring to start their New Year’s resolutions. “I’m a big believer in starting small and working up, and the spring is the perfect time to do it. The key is to start where you are and build from there.” So if you’re feeling overwhelmed or uninspired by your New Year’s resolutions, consider taking a cue from Jillian and waiting until spring to start your health journey. You might be surprised at how much more successful you can be.
So why not give it a try and see how it works for you?